Bobo, K. A., Kendall, J., & Max, S. (1996). Organizing for social change: a manual for activists in the
1990s. Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press.
- This manual is for grassroots activists seeking social, political, environmental and economic change at all levels of organization ->local, state and nationally.
Erlich, J., & Rivera, F. G. (1998). Community organizing in a diverse society. Boston: Allyn & Bacon
- This book offers in- depth discussions of social, political, economic, and cultural problems that different communities in the U.S. face.
Gecan, M. (2004). Going public: an organizers guide to citizen action. New York: Anchor Books.
- This book provides instruction and encouragement to organizing civic action.
Homan, M. S. (2016). Promoting community change: making it happen in the real world. Boston, MA:
Cengage Learning.
- This book addresses the real-world issues facing professionals in social work, human services, and community health--and gives readers the skills and information they need to be effective agents of change at the community level.
Kahn, S. (1991). Organizing, a guide for grassroots leaders. Silver Spring, MD: National Association of
Social Workers.
- This book provides a dynamic guide to uniting people for change and helping people work together to get things done.
Myers-Lipton, S. J. (2018). Change!: a student guide to social action. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor &
Francis Group.
- This book is written specifically for faculty and staff to use with college students, as it takes the ideas of community change and organizing, and allows them to be used within the confines of a college term.
Sen, R. (2003). Stir it up: lessons in community organizing and advocacy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- This book addresses the unique challenges and opportunities the new global economy poses for activist groups and provides concrete guidance for community organizations of all orientations.
Whitman, G. (2018). Stand up!: how to get involved, speak out, and win in a world on fire. Oakland:
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
- This book provides insight on how to affect change through grassroots organizing