According to the Honor Code at Wofford College (2006-2007), plagiarism is defined as:
- the verbatim repetition, without acknowledgement, of the writings of another author
- borrowing without acknowledging the source
- paraphrasing the thoughts of another writer without acknowledgement
- allowing any other person or organization to prepare work which one then submits as his/her own.
Remember, plagiarism is a concept and therefore a particular act may be defined differently by different people. Each
faculty member defines individual acts differently. Find out what your
professor accepts as collaborative work and what he or she defines as
Professor Clayton Whisnant has prepared a summary of issues related to plagiarism and the Wofford Honor Code called "Living By the Wofford Honor Code."
Other types of academic dishonesty
The handbook defines other types of academic dishonesty.
- Any conduct during an academic course which involves the unauthorized use of information obtained by any means.
- The buying, selling, or theft of any assignment, examination, or quiz prior to its administration.
- The unauthorized use of any electronic or mechanical device during any academic course.
- The unauthorized collaboration on any test, assignment, or project.
- Preparing any assignment for another to submit as his own.