A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
— Laozi
Agenda for HIST 190 library session
1. Welcome and introduction (<1 min)
2. Goal statement: (<1 min.)
By the end of class, you can find appropriate secondary sources via the library for your upcoming assignment.
3. Let's talk about sources (10 mins.)
What's a secondary source?
What's an appropriate secondary source?
Which appropriate secondary sources should you be looking for and use for this assignment?
This is where we can talk about specific resource types
4. Search preparation: Let's generate some keywords (3 mins.)
5. Search for secondary sources in the library (10 mins)
Use keywords
Make sure that you are signed in
Filter your results: Under “Resource Type,” check “Books” and “Book chapters”
Try other things: subject, date of publication range, etc.
6. Determine if the source you found is appropriate. (10 mins)
Who is the audience for the work?
Is it a scholarly source?
Is it concerned with the topic you are looking for?