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LIBA 101: The Art of Reading (Prof. Kocher)

Finding Book Reviews

By default, OneSearch excludes book reviews from its search. To add book reviews to your search results, click the box next to "Book Reviews" in the "Include in results" line on the library homepage.

The Sandor Teszler library homepage. In the OneSearch search area, the box next to "Book Reviews" is checked.


Our search also includes books, scholarly articles, and magazine articles in addition to book reviews. To limit our results to only book reviews, we can click the book review limiter under the "Resource Type" field in the left column of our search results, then click Apply Filters.

On the OneSearch search results page, the box next to Book Reviews is checked under the Resource Type filter. The Apply Filters button appears at the bottom of the left column.


Now that we have limited our results to just book reviews, we can select a review that is published for a literary or academic audience, rather than a general audience. For example, Real Simple is a popular magazine marketed toward a general audience, but the Times Literary Supplement and the New York Times Book Review are targeted at an educated, literary audience, so we can start with those two reviews by clicking on the "Available Online" link below the article information.

On the OneSearch search results page, the titles of the publications are highlighted. The publication name is under the title and author of each item in the list of results.

Wofford OneSearch

Wofford OneSearch is a single search platform that contains books, ebooks, journal articles, magazines, newspapers, audio, video, and reference materials. It is a great place to explore your topic and find scholarly resources, but it can sometimes be overwhelming due to the amount of information a normal search will pull up. Think of it like shopping on Amazon: you should tell OneSearch exactly what you're looking for using keywords and choosing the right limiters in the left column of your search results.



For example, a search for Appalachian literature retrieves over 10,000 results. You can narrow your search by adding additional keywords or using the limiters in the left column.

On the OneSearch results screen, the phrase "appalachian literature" is in the search box.



Choosing only scholarly and peer reviewed articles and limiting our results to articles published in the last 5 years reduces the number of articles to about 3000. 

On the OneSearch results screen, the "Scholarly & Peer-Reviewed Journals" box is checked in the left column. In the search box, the Start Date field is set to 2013 and the End Date to 2023.



Finally, we can add additional keywords to make our search more specific. Adding the keyword "children" to our search brings up scholarly articles published in the last ten years about Appalachian literature about or featuring children. Play around with your keywords and limiters until you find articles or books that will work for your project.

On the OneSearch results screen, the phrase "appalachian literature children" is in the search box.



When you find resources that you'd like to save, click on the pushpin icon next to the item. Log in using your MyWofford credentials to save the items to your OneSearch account.

On the OneSearch results screen, the pushpin icon to the right of an article's title is highlighted.