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ARTH 220: Asian Art Survey (with Dr. David Efurd)

Getting Started

Wofford OneSearch is the best place for you as a researcher to start.  You can search it using keyword, author/creator, and title. OneSearch includes all of our library's collections--books and e-books, e-journal articles, e-newspaper articles, streaming videos, streaming audios.  It enables you to limit your searches to scholarly, peer-reviewed resources as well as to those produced, or published, within a specified range of years.  When it comes to hunting for journal and newspaper articles, OneSearch covers all of our library's 200+ databases.

OneSearch is accessible from our library's homepage:

Once you run your search from the library's homepage to get results, you see the Advanced Search boxes.  They enable you to modify your search and to identify each term specifically as a keyword, author/creator, or title:

Links to Resources in OneSearch on Possible Research Topics

These searches apply to the artists whom you have been assigned.  When searching a foreign name or term, consider using a variety of Romanized forms.  Sometimes, by adding the term exhibitions or catalogs to your search, you can find museum-published resources that include illustrations with rich textual descriptions.  Adding the term criticism or interpretation to your search can help you find critical as opposed to biographical resources:

Raja Ravi Varma

Krishen Khanna

Meera Mukherjee

Ganga Devi (Mithila Painting) OR Mithila AND (painting OR painter OR art OR artist)

Nam June Paik

Isamu Noguchi

Hakuin Ekaku

Gonkar Gyatso

Giuseppe Castiglione

Xu Bing

Ai Weiwei

Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Charles Correa

Yee I-Lann

Wang Guangyi

Kano Hogai

Yasumasa Morimura

Miwa Yanagi

Anjolie Ela Menon

Yayoi Kusama

Jamini Roy

Xu Beihong

I. M. Pei

Pushpamala N.

Kawase Hasui

Takashi Murakami


Search Terms to Add to Your Artist's Name

Expanding Your Results & Using Rapid Interlibrary Loan (Rapid ILL)

Wofford OneSearch has an Expand My Results feature.  It expands the results of your search to include items that are not available directly at Wofford College.

After expanding your results, you can use the Rapid ILL feature to request items that are not directly available at Wofford be delivered to you (there is no charge for this):

  • Delivery of an article--which process is done completely online, using your campus e-mail address--takes less than 11 hours! 
  • Delivery of a print book or other physical item takes several business days to one week, depending on where the item is being shipped from.  (The physical item is delivered to the library's circulation desk for you to pick up.  When you have finished using the item, you simply return it to our library's circulation desk to have our library send it back to the provider.)

To demonstrate, here is a basic keyword search for resources about "climate refugees" AND "international law"


The search brings up results (73 results in this case), all of which are available at Wofford College:


To expand the search to include results that are not available at Wofford, you click on Expand My Results in the left-hand column of search filters:


This increases the number of results considerably (to 198 results in this case).  Those items that are not directly available at Wofford are labelled No Online Access:


To proceed to request an item not directly available at Wofford, click either on its title or on the phrase No Online Access under its title:


You can check the item's description, or summary, to better determine whether the item is of sufficient interest to you to request:


To proceed to request the item, click on Sign In; click on MyWoffordLogin; enter your MyWofford credentials; and then enter your security-verification code (which code is requested by Wofford's IT Department):





After entering your security-verification code, click on Verify:



Next, click on PASCAL Delivers/Ill to have a request form generated automatically for you to submit. Click on the Copyright Statement box to confirm that you have read the statement.  And then click on Send Request:



Upon successful completion of your submission, you receive this confirmation:


Citation-Tracker in OneSearch

Wofford OneSearch includes a citation-tracker!  

When you are browsing the results of a search that you have conducted there, you will notice that some items, usually journal articles, in the results appear with an up-arrow  icon () and/or down-arrow icon ().

By clicking on a given item's, you get all of the resources in Wofford OneSearch that cite that item.

But by clicking on a given item's , you get all of the resources in Wofford OneSearch that are cited by that item.

Here, for example, is a search using the keywords Facebook AND colleges students AND self-presentation


And here, among the search's results, is an article with citation-tracking:


Resources--in this example, there are 8 of them--that cite the given article:


And resources--in this example, there are 55 of them--that are cited by the given article: