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ENVS 347: Environmental Storytelling (Professor Eric Kocher)


1. What topic am I most interested in (or excited about)?


2. What do I already know about the topic and how can I build on that for my project?  Is there a particular aspect of the topic that I can focus on to help make it manageable?


3. Keywords (including synonyms) and combinations of keywords to find information on my topic?  (Click here to enter your keywords in Wofford OneSearch.)


4. What types of resources would work best for my topic--scholarly journal articles and books; popular magazine articles and books; newspaper articles; case studies; interviews; eyewitness accounts; creative literature; visual arts; television; film; or social media?  And do I need to find resources in any certain discipline--environmental studies, government and international affairs, psychology, sociology, education, economics, philosophy, religion, creative literature, or art?