AGENDA - Wednesday Feb. 26, 2025 - HIST112
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
— Laozi
Research Paper Instructions:
US History since 1865
Note: You will only receive credit on your research paper after receiving approval of your topic and the annotated bibliography.
Due Date:
Submission: Via Moodle upload
Prompt: Your assignment is to use at least four (4) sources from one (1) American magazine available through the Sandor Teszler/Wofford Library databases to write a paper about a historical topic of your choosing. This topic must fall within the time period from 1865-2005. You will be required to develop an argument/thesis in your paper and support that thesis with specific evidence from sources listed below. You are also expected to include one scholarly monograph to supplement your analysis from the magazines.
Required Elements:
-Length: Minimum of four full pages. Maximum of six full pages.
-Four (4) sources from a single title of one (1) American magazine accessible through the Sandor Teszler/Wofford Library databases. These sources need to be from four different issues of the same magazine title (so all of your sources must come from GQ, but you need one to be from the Jan. 26th 1970 issue, one from the August 19th, 1972 issue, etc.)
-One (1) scholarly monograph. This needs to be a scholarly history book which was printed by an academic press.
Available Databases: You are required to use the US versions of these publications.
Entertainment Magazine Archive: Contains several titles
Women’s Magazine Archive: Contains several titles
Citations: Rather than having you use a specific citation style for these sources, I’m going to provide a basic citation style for each source type (look below). You should use footnotes for your citations. You do not need a works cited page.
Author name (if available), “Article Title,” Name of Publication, (date of Publication), page number.
Example: Jarron Jones, “The USSR and Cuba” Time, (Jan. 7th, 1968), 119.
Book Title:
Author name, Book Title: With Subtitle, page number.
Nell Irvin Painter, Standing at Armageddon: A Grassroots History of the Progressive Era, 21.
Academic Integrity
This assignment should be composed of your own words and ideas. Any quotations included in your essay should be cited in the manner listed above. Inclusion of any outside sources or aid will be considered plagiarism and result in an automatic zero grade on the assignment. All ideas and writing must be your own or properly cited.
A large collection of fulltext journals in the arts, sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Covers the most important journals from Volume 1, Issue 1 to about five years ago. Project MUSE often covers the rest, as do other database collections.