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The Research Process

Steps to Locating Information


Research typically involves using a variety of sources:

  • encyclopedias and dictionaries
  • books
  • videos
  • articles from newspapers, magazines and journals
  • statistical sources
  • websites


Types of Sources

Before starting your research, it's important to understand the types of sources available.

The videos below provide a broad overview of the information you can find in sources such as books, encyclopedias, almanacs, periodicals, electronic resources and more. If you need help locating any of these resources in the UTA Libraries, contact your subject librarian.

Getting Started with OneSearch

Wofford OneSearch is the best place for you as a researcher to start.  You can search it using keyword, author/creator, and title. OneSearch includes all of our library's collections--books and e-books, e-journal articles, e-newspaper articles, streaming videos, streaming audios.  It enables you to limit your searches to scholarly, peer-reviewed resources as well as to those produced, or published, within a specified range of years.  When it comes to hunting for journal and newspaper articles, OneSearch covers all of our library's 200+ databases.

OneSearch is accessible from our library's homepage:Multipurpose search-box on Wofford library's homepage.  Select from the menu above the box which collection you want to search--Wofford OneSearch OR PASCAL Delivers OR Archives & Special Collections OR Database + Journal Finder OR Videos.  Enter your desired keywords in the box.  And then click "Search" to search for items in the specified collection using those keywords.

Once you run your search from the library's homepage to get results, you see the Advanced Search boxes.  They enable you to modify your search and to identify each term specifically as a keyword, author/creator, or title:

Advanced-search setup in Wofford OneSearch is displayed.  Three search-boxes appear in the setup by default, but you can add more search boxes.  The three boxes search by default using keyword.  But you can specify, or change, what each box searches by--keyword OR author/creator OR title OR subject OR call-number.  You also can limit your search by resource type, language, and publication-date range.  The resource types include articles, books/ebooks, journals/ejournals, films, and newspapers.  At the very top of the display, you can toggle between using the boxes to search Wofford OneSearch and search PASCAL Delivers.