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Supporting the Sandor Teszler Library

Thank you for considering a donation to the Sandor Teszler Library! 

Sandor Teszler Library Fund
The Sandor Teszler Library Fund helps to support the budget priorities of the library.
Currently, our top fundraising priority is rebuilding the library collection. In 2021,
the library experienced a significant mold bloom that resulted in the loss of
thousands of books. Insurance covered the cost of cleanup but not the replacement
cost of the books that were destroyed. Our focus is on rebuilding the collection to
meet curricular needs.


Long-term funding priorities
Replacement of the remaining air-handling units throughout the library. With the
exception of the replaced system in the book stacks area, all other equipment is
original to the building.

Annual cost increases involved with running an academic library
The library budget depends on additional funding from the Sandor Teszler Library
Fund to cover the increased costs of annual subscriptions to academic databases
and periodicals. On average, subscription costs increase 6% per year. The library
conducts an annual cost-benefit analysis of each subscription to identify appropriate
places to reduce costs. Additional funding will allow the library to maintain valuable
academic databases and scholarly journals.


Additional priorities
Additional priorities include ongoing professional development for the library staff.
Our commitment to excellence in service and instruction is evident through our
ongoing professional development activities. Your support will enable library
professionals to continue to grow and develop in their areas of expertise for the
benefit of our service community: our students, faculty, and staff.

Thank you for your support!