Begin your search in OneSearch on the library homepage with the title of your fairy tale - you can always narrow your search results later. Here, we've put "twelve dancing princesses" in quotation marks so that the words will be searched as a phrase, only finding sources with the three words in this order.
Our initial search found 81 results, including books, scholarly articles, and reference sources like encyclopedias.
Our first 3 search results are a variety of sources, some of which will not be helpful for this research.
Item 1 is a book of fairy tales. We can tell this by the title and by the fact that instead of an author, we have a compiler, noted as "comp." That means that this a collected book of tales rather than a work of analysis or criticism.
Item 2 is a book that we have in print at Wofford and as an ebook. It appears to be a work of critical analysis, so this is a potential source for this project.
Item 3 is a scholarly article. However, it is only 2 pages long, so it is probably a poem or creative work rather than an article that makes an argument. With longer articles, we can open the article to see how often the Twelve Dancing Princesses are mentioned and to examine the thesis and argument of the article.
One way to find scholarly sources is to limit your search to only Scholarly & Peer Reviewed Journals in the left column of your search results.
This search leads us to at least three promising critical articles. We can access the articles by clicking the "Available Online" link below the article. As you search, click the pushpin icon next to promising sources to save the sources to your OneSearch account - just make sure that you are logged in at the top of the OneSearch page! This way, you will be able to return your sources later by logging into OneSearch.