The Marble and the Sculptor: From Law School to Law Practice [e-book] by Keith Robert LeeISBN: 9781614388869
Publication Date: 2013-11-05
"Let's face it. The entire legal industry is in a state of flux. If you're a new lawyer in today's economy, you're probably asking yourself one of the following questions: How do I transition from law school to law practice? How do I get a job? How can I find like-minded mentors and colleagues? How do I develop a book of business? How do I become a good lawyer? These questions weigh on you and keep you awake at night, along with thoughts like 'Was going to law school really the right decision?' or 'Should I be doing something else with my life?' If you aren't asking yourself these questions, you are ignoring them to your detriment. Written from the in-the-trenches perspective of a young lawyer, The Marble and the Sculptor provides a clear no-nonsense path from law school to lawyering. It presents a fundamental understanding of what is expected of new attorneys and a framework for becoming successful. With advice on everything from choosing classes that matter in law school to the importance of writing well, attracting clients, and avoiding five basic mistakes in your first job at a law firm, this book is destined to become the go-to guide for all young lawyers regardless of law school or area of practice. Simply put, if you care at all about practicing law, you can t afford not to read it"--Description from the publisher, the American Bar Association.