Pascal Delivers is a service offered by Wofford in cooperation with most of the other academic libraries in South Carolina. You can search Pascal for books that you would like to read, then request that books from other libraries be automatically delivered to you at the library's help desk. Articles cannot be requested through Pascal - check out the Interlibrary Loan tab for instructions on how to request articles.
You can access Pascal Delivers directly from the library homepage, or you can toggle to Pascal when you are using OneSearch.
Begin by searching by keyword, title, or author. Please note that electronic resources from other schools cannot be accessed or requested via Pascal (sorry!). When you find a book that you want to borrow, click the "Check for availability" link beside the item.
On the following screen, you will see which libraries own the book. Make sure that at least one library has the item marked as "Available in institution."
If you are not already logged in, click on the yellow bar in the center of the page to log in.
Log in through the MyWofford link.
Once you have logged in, you will be returned to the book page and see a link to request the book.
The request form will be filled in automatically. Submit your request and wait to receive the green submitted box.
You can see your requests, check their status, or cancel a request in your OneSearch account.